AILS Séjours linguistiques
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Linguistic Stays in Scotland

High-Quality English Courses with Experienced Teachers

Scotland boasts a staggering 790 islands, offering ample opportunities for exploration and satisfying your seafaring spirit! In the country's interior, you will discover the Highlands, vast green landscapes interspersed with snow-capped mountain peaks. Scotland is a country that will surprise you in many ways, providing moments of rare intensity filled with vibrant colors and powerful emotions. Influenced by a temperate oceanic climate, Scottish temperatures tend to be cool in winter, often accompanied by snow. However, the mildness of summers beckons the entire population outdoors. You will undoubtedly enjoy the numerous terraces and the festive atmosphere that permeates the entire country during the warm season.

Schools and English Courses in Scotland


5.2 million inhabitants


British Pound (GBP)



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