AILS Séjours linguistiques
AILS Séjours linguistiques - Berlin
AILS Séjours linguistiques - Angleterre

What destination for your language stay
Adults or Students?

The choice of a destination for your language stay is always a sensitive and decisive step for the complete success of your language training project. This choice depends on several equally important factors.

Therefore, before definitively making your choice, unless you already have a very precise idea of the city or country where you wish to travel, it is important to ask yourself some essential questions.

Indeed, while the budget question is obviously crucial, with a trip to Australia not entailing the same level of expenses as a trip to England, this is no longer entirely true, for example, if you opt for a long-term stay. In addition to the price of flights, it is also necessary to consider the cost of living on site, the cost of language courses or activities in order to have the most realistic idea possible of the overall budget to be expected.

It is equally important to verify the suitability between the schools present in the city of your choice, the language programs they offer, and your language project. Other criteria can also come into play in your decision, including the environment, climate, or possible activities in the intended destination.

It is not always easy, and it can also be very time-consuming, to make a choice among the multitude of possible options.

This is why the advisors at AILS provide you with their perfect knowledge of destinations and schools to inform and help you build your language stay project down to the smallest details.

Seeking their advice saves you time and ensures that you have selected the program that best suits your project.

All our destinations for language stays, both for Adults and Students

Stays vary depending on the destination
Stay according to the language
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