AILS Séjours linguistiques

The Origin of the Spanish Language

The Spanish language is a Romance language belonging to the Indo-European language family. Its history dates back to the time of the Roman Empire when the Iberian Peninsula (present-day Spain and Portugal) was part of the Roman Empire, and Latin was the official language.

Over time, Latin evolved into different forms of Vulgar Latin, which began to mix with local languages, including those spoken by the Visigoths, Moors, and Basques. In the 10th century, the Romance language that would become Spanish emerged in the northern part of Spain, known as "Castilian," referring to the region of Castile.

In the 13th century, Castilian became the official language of the Royal Court of Castile and began to spread throughout the country. During the Renaissance, Spanish literature experienced significant growth, with writers such as Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote.

In the 16th century, Spain began to colonize South and Central America, as well as the Philippines, bringing the Spanish language and culture with it. This contributed to the spread of the Spanish language worldwide.

Today, Spanish is spoken by approximately 500 million people worldwide, mainly in Spain and Latin America. It is the second most widely spoken language in the world after Mandarin, and it is widely used in business, politics, and culture. Spanish is also an important language in foreign language education, with many countries offering Spanish courses as a second language.

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Don Quijote
Salamanca - Spain
Barcelona - Spain
Malaga - Spain
Madrid - Spain

All Our Language Trips in Spanish

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