AILS Séjours linguistiques
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New Zealand
Moutons en montagne en Nouvelle Zélande - AILS
Plage de Nouvelle Zélande - AILS

Linguistic Stays in New Zealand

High-Quality English Courses with Experienced Teachers

New Zealand is made up of several islands, with the two largest being the North Island and the South Island. The North Island is known for its constantly active volcanoes and numerous geothermal attractions. Hot springs and geysers make the landscapes even more mysterious and fascinating. The South Island, on the other hand, is predominantly mountainous, with a mountain range running through it, with peaks reaching nearly 4000 meters. The country has a temperate climate, allowing you to enjoy the pleasures of summer while experiencing distinct seasons.

Exotic Landscapes

Varied Climates Depending on the Regions

Untamed Islands

Schools and English Courses in New Zealand

Nos coups de
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Nelson English Center
Nelson - New Zealand

On a Linguistic Journey in New Zealand


4,7 million inhabitants


New Zealand Dollar




The archipelago of New Zealand is located in Oceania, approximately 2000km east of Australia, in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean. It consists of two main islands: the North Island and the South Island, along with numerous smaller islands. It is home to 18 peaks reaching over 3000m in altitude, including Mount Cook in the Southern Alps. The geographical isolation of New Zealand has allowed it to develop a unique environment, with its many lakes, vast maritime territory, and lush forests. The climate is predominantly temperate oceanic throughout most of the country, although it varies from very humid on the West Coast of the South Island to semi-arid in the Mackenzie Basin. The Northland region, on the other hand, has a humid subtropical climate.

History & Culture

The history of New Zealand, although relatively short as it is one of the last territories discovered by humans, is rich and fascinating. The Māori people began to populate the land between 1050 and 1300. The first European to explore it was the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman in 1642. In 1840, New Zealand became a member of the British state and gained independence in 1947. It was the first country to grant women the right to vote (1893), and its economy has greatly improved since the end of World War II, thanks in large part to its unique environment, which attracts tourists from all corners of the globe every year.

Things to Do / See

New Zealand is an ideal destination for outdoor sports amidst incredible flora and fauna. You will have the opportunity to go mountaineering in the majestic Southern Alps, rock climbing at Elephant Rock or along the ocean at Long Beach, hiking through forests populated by majestic Kauri trees, listening to the melodious song of the bellbirds, and catching a glimpse of rare Dodos. You can also experience skydiving, such as over Lake Taupo, or enjoy water sports in this region beloved by surfers and divers from around the world. Explore the fascinating Māori culture, like in the village of Tamaki in Rotorua, with their intricate and splendid tattoos, and indulge in the exotic cuisine that blends Asian, Māori, and European flavors.

Formalities & Visas

For any linguistic stay in New Zealand lasting less than 3 months, you will need a valid passport. If you plan to stay longer, a visa is required. To obtain a visa, you must contact the New Zealand Consulate in Switzerland. In terms of health, no vaccinations are mandatory, but it is highly recommended to follow standard immunization guidelines (such as Tetanus, Polio, Diphtheria, etc.). While there are no dangerous animals or insects to worry about, be cautious of sunburns and ocean currents at the beach.

To contact the New Zealand Consulate in Switzerland:

Consulate General of New ZealandChemin des Fins 2

1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Tel: 022/929 03 50

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New Zealand
ABC College of English
New Zealand
Languages International
New Zealand
Nelson English Center
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