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Paysage d'Irlande - AILS
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Linguistic stays in Ireland

High-quality English courses with experienced teachers

Ireland is a highly attractive country, thanks to its ancient culture and a population known for their rare friendliness towards foreigners coming to discover their country. This country, steeped in enduring traditions, holds a significant place in the lives of its people. Therefore, taking English courses in Ireland is an exceptionally interesting experience. The splendor of Irish nature and landscapes is also highly appealing to those who do not live there. The folklore, with its well-known musical tradition, as well as traditional festivals and sports, make Ireland an extraordinary place. From Celtic to rock, from wild forests to modern cities, one can discover the many facets of this country by exploring it from pub to pub, and from north to south.

Strong culture and popular traditions

Musical and festive atmosphere

Unusual and magnificent landscapes

Undertaking a linguistic stay in Ireland is an opportunity to become familiar with a unique culture and a distinct way of life, while improving your English skills through interactions with warm and welcoming native speakers. By taking English courses in Ireland, you can rigorously follow language instruction provided by professionals, all while living in an environment conducive to learning. You will be surrounded by English speakers and immersed in a culture that has shaped the language, exposing you to customs and traditions different from your own. Living for an extended period of time with Irish people will allow you to get to know them and enrich yourself with a unique human and cultural experience. This journey offers more than just language improvement; it provides opportunities for diverse encounters and discoveries, which can greatly benefit both your personal growth and professional prospects. Undertaking a linguistic stay in Ireland will be seen as a testament to your open-mindedness.

Schools and English courses in Ireland

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Galway Cultural Institute
Galway - Ireland

On a linguistic journey in Ireland


4,7 million inhabitants






Located in the northwest of Europe, Ireland is an island country with its only land border being with Northern Ireland. Positioned in the Atlantic Ocean, Ireland spans across 70,273 km² and is divided into 26 counties. The major cities include Dublin, the capital, Galway, Cork, Waterford, and Limerick. The island features a central plain surrounded by mountains and hills, with the highest peak being Carrauntoohil at 1,038 meters above sea level. The country has an oceanic climate with mild summers and winters that rarely drop below 0°C. The Gulf Stream partly contributes to this temperate climate.

History & Culture

The occupation of Irish territory dates back to the 9th century BC. This was followed by the arrival of the Celts in the 6th century BC, who were organized in clans and spoke Gaelic, laying the foundation for Irish culture and myths. The Christianization of the country began in the 5th century and was officially established in the 7th century. In the 9th century, Ireland experienced Viking raids, followed by the Anglo-Norman invasion in 1014. The rebellion of 1641 was severely suppressed by Cromwell, and in 1695, William III enacted anti-Catholic laws. The Great Famine of the 19th century forced the population to emigrate to the United States, where they found greater freedom. Independence was achieved in 1921, with Irish and English remaining the official languages.

Things to do / Places to see

The environment is the main asset in Ireland, which boasts plains, rolling hills, beaches, cliffs, and coves. The Ring of Kerry route symbolizes this natural beauty, meandering through the Iveragh Peninsula, hugging the coastline between land and sea. There are numerous lakes and islands, often integrated into national parks such as Glenveagh and the Wicklow Mountains. Ireland has a rich historical heritage associated with Paleolithic sites, as well as a vast cultural heritage linked to Celtic traditions. The cities of Dublin and Cork offer visitors a variety of restaurants, shops, and other boutiques for shopping.

Formalities / Visas

No visa is required to travel to Ireland. A valid identity card is sufficient for Swiss and European nationals. Ireland does not pose any specific health risks, which means no vaccinations are mandatory.

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Galway Cultural Institute
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